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r dawg tool belt, top grain leather, tool belt


  1. We ship anywhere in the United States.
  2. Estimated shipping is 5-7 business days.
  3. Fulfillment is done by Amazon.


  1. Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and JCB  are accepted in our online store. Orders are processed with Authorize, a third-party payment processor.
  2. We do not accept cash, money orders, or personal checks for online orders.


  1. We have a 30-day return policy, but please contact us first.
  2. Send us an email at [email protected] and include your name and order number.
  3. After it is approved, you will receive a confirmation email.
Very good buy. I am super pleased with how it fits, it’s design and overall look. I definitely feel more efficient now that I am not leaving my tools all over the work area
R Dawg Tool Belts, R Dawg
Kris Hooten
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